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We're Hope Springs Chapel, a small but passionate body of Christ-followers who do our best to love God and love our neighbors. We hope you'll take a few minutes to learn a little more about us below.

What we believe

We believe in God, the perfect and holy Father and Creator of everyone and everything. He created us to glorify Him and be in relationship with Him. Our hope, in both life and death, comes from understanding that we are not our own but belong to and are loved by Him. (Romans 14:7-12)

We recognize that all of us are sinners, prone to doing, saying, and thinking things that are contrary to loving God and each other. (Romans 3:23) This behavior separates us from our holy God, makes it impossible to be in relationship with Him, and leads to spiritual death. (Romans 6:23)

But God loves us so much that He made a way for our sins to be washed away. He, Himself, in the form of the human man, Jesus Christ, lived a perfect and holy life and allowed Himself to be sacrificed on the Roman cross of crucifixion. His scarified life pays the penalty for the sins of all humankind, past, present, and future. He offers this sacrifice as a free gift to anyone who will truly accept it inn repentance and faith. (Romans 6:23 and 10:9)

Once we accept this grace, this free gift, our sin no longer separates us from God, and we become part of His family, His sons and daughters. (Romans 8:15) As such, God pours out His love for us through His Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5)

We believe that the Bible is God's own word. Through prayer and reading His word, the Holy Spirit helps us grow in our understanding of God and His plan for us. (2 Timothy 3:16)


God's greatest desire for us is summed up simply - love Him, and love others. (Matthew 22:36-39) He has tasked us with telling others about Him and sharing the good news about the free gift of salvation Christ purchased for us on the cross. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Want to know more?

Do you have questions about what we believe or want to learn more? Visit this page.

Visit Us

We'd love to meet you in person!

Join us at 10am on Sundays at The Old Robie School, 668 Gray Road, in Gorham, Maine.

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